意大利VARVEL RS系列减速机
Leading applications:general purpose,medium and fractional power drives.
Design:9 sizes; housings and covers of aluminium die cast up to size 85, of cast iron from size 110; single worm/wheel units; ratios up to i=100
Nm |
280 - 2860 |
Kw |
0.18 - 4 |
i |
25 - 800 |
Leading applications:general purpose, medium and fractional power drives; reduction ratios and efficiencies higher than similar drives obtained with two-stage worm/wheel units.
Design:9 sizes; housings and covers of aluminium die cast up to size 85, of cast iron from size 110; single helical stage & worm/wheel units; ratios up to i=800.
意大利VARVEL自1955年以来一直在减速和变速器为轻工业应用。输变电设备的可靠的合作伙伴还提供量身定制的解决方案总是根据一个对社会负责任的公司价值观。 .模块化和灵活性的设计一直引领VARVEL产品自2000年以来。 这样一来,变速箱套件的概念推出,让任何人都可以组装机在几分钟内。欢迎到VARSIZE配置系统 ,产品:涡轮蜗杆减速机,行星减速机,变速器,螺旋减速机
型号; FRS-28,FRS-40,FRS-50,FRS-60,FRS-70,FRS-85,FRS110,FRS130,FRS150
速比:5 7 10 15 20 28 40 49 56 70 80 100 还有其他型号,具体请来电咨询